VIDEO: 3 times you should absolutely nail your Drip Campaigns

Drip Campaigns are a great way to stay in touch with groups of people based on characteristics or events like if they are a customer, or a hot prospect, or when a user signs up for an account or how often that user visits your site, etc.

The idea with a drip campaign is that each email in a drip comes from a queue of already-written emails—there's no need to manually write and send each one. Put simply, drip marketing is all about giving people the right information at the right time. And because of that, open rates for drip campaigns are about 80 percent higher than single send emails, and average click-through rates are three times higher.

In this video resource, we talk about 3 drip sequences we believe you should absolutely master as a business owner, or as a sales person. They have worked wonders for us - and the best part, they are applicable across industries with some variations. So watch-on!
